How To Know When It is Time for an Air Conditioning Replacement in Plymouth

by | Oct 28, 2014 | Heating & Air Conditioning

Nothing lasts forever and that includes home air conditioning systems. In most cases, there are warning signs that the current system is on the way out. By being aware of those signs, it is much easier to know when the time has come for an air conditioning replacement in Plymouth.

Hot Spots in the House
In times past, the unit kept the entire home at a uniform temperature. Lately, the owner has noticed that it seems to be a little warmer in certain areas. For example, the hall may not be quite as cool as the living room, or one of the bedrooms seems a little warmer than the rest of the house. The fact that the unit is not cooling as efficiently as it did in years past means the system needs some attention at least, and may be due for replacement.

Runs All the Time
While the weather is about the same as it normally is this time of year, the air conditioner seems to be running a lot more, with few if any periods in which the device cycles down. That could mean there is a problem with the thermostat, or it could mean that an air conditioning replacement in Plymouth in looming in the near future. Have the unit checked at once, since all that activity is wasting energy. If the repair will be expensive and the unit is already over a decade old, it could be time to start thinking about investing in a new system.

Creaks Groans and Assorted Noises
When a formerly quiet unit begins to make noises during operation, then that is a sign that something is not right. The problem could be a part of two that needs replacing. It can also be a sign that the unit overall is wearing out. When the latter happens to be the case, it pays to start looking at replacements now rather than waiting until the unit fails completely.

For help in assessing the condition of the current unit, call the professionals at Sabre Heating and Air Conditioning and schedule a service call. After a thorough check, the technician can provide suggestions for repair or recommend that the unit be replaced. After hearing all the pros and cons of each option, the homeowner can make the decision that will provide the best possible outcome.

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