Creating a balanced marketing plan

by | Mar 20, 2017 | Internet Marketing

If you own a business, you probably spend a good amount of your day on marketing techniques. But have you created a balanced strategy that encompasses several different methods, both online and offline? If not, you could be missing out. If you don’t know how to fit in an extra few minutes to spend on marketing efforts, it might be time to hire a marketing company in Orange County, or your local area. Your consultant can help you devise a balanced strategy that will bring in new customers every month from a variety of sources.

Whether you decide to hire an agency or you want to take on the role yourself, a balanced strategy consists of the following:


  • Social media: This is an ideal way to connect with your audience and learn more about your ideal customer.

  • Blogs: Having your own blog in which you post relevant content can build a list of loyal followers. The key is to post quality content that your readers will want to share.

  • Website: Every business needs a website, regardless of what industry you’re in.

  • Email marketing: This is still a viable way to get the word out about your products and services, if you do it right.


  • Newspapers: Do people still read newspapers? Yup! And they still read the classifieds, so your ad better be there.

  • Networking groups: Face-to-face contact and relationship building is as relevant today as it was decades ago.

  • Referrals: There is no substitute for referrals and they can be a great way to grow your business exponentially.

  • Mailings: Direct mail still works and can bring new customers to you either online or offline.

Does this sound too time consuming? Hiring a marketing company in Orange County, or your local area, can help you implement all of these methods and more.

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