Benefits and Process of an Engine Oil Flush

by | Aug 22, 2017 | Oil and Gas

One method for maintaining an aging engine is performing an engine oil flush. This is a technique that involves flushing your engine with a chemical (sold by an engine oil supplier in Florida) to remove buildup. Frequent oil changes should be sufficient for preventing buildup, an oil flush can still be useful for cleaning up your engine.

Know the Needs of Your Fleet

An engine oil flush may not be recommended for older cars or trucks with a high mileage, as removing the sludge buildup risks revealing cracks in the piping. Once opened, these cracks can cause oil leakage. Overall, however, performing a flush is safe, and it can revitalize an old vehicle and prepare it for fresh use. If you decide that an engine oil flush would help your vehicle, it’s best to follow the instructions on your oil flush product packaging. The general process, however, tends to be the same for most chemicals. As for the flush product itself, a Florida engine oil supplier should carry plenty of options.

The Process

First, begin by warming the vehicle to operating temperature. After that, check the level of the engine oil. You’ll want to add enough of the flush chemical to put the oil level at full. Do this, then run the engine for about five minutes to ten minutes at a high idle. Following this, drain the engine oil and replace the filter. Refill the engine with your oil of choice and you’re finished.

The technique is as simple as that. Although this may not be ideal for every vehicle, an engine oil flush is still a useful technique for cleaning up the inside of an older engine and can breathe new life into an aging truck in your fleet. Visit your local Florida engine oil supplier to see what options exist for maintaining your vehicles.

Seaboard Neumann is a Central Florida lubricant distributor dedicated to providing top notch service across the state. Their clients include some of America’s top automotive brands, including Honda, Ford, and Goodyear.

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