Ask Commercial Roofers in Honolulu About Polyurethane Foam

by | Nov 24, 2017 | Roofing

Polyurethane foam roofing may be difficult to say, but offers tremendous benefits. It’s applied in a spray form, which makes it one of the quickest roofing options available. Consult Commercial Roofers in Honolulu to find out how viable this choice may be.

It’s Versatile

Polyurethane foam can be used for replacement and new roofs. Regardless of the slope, shape, or configuration of a commercial roof, the foam will stick to the surface. Once applied, it dries in a few seconds, creating a tough roof membrane on any material. Spray foam is incredibly useful because it can be applied to roofs with uneven penetrations and shapes, and more than one layer can be used to do the job.

It’s Seamless

With polyurethane foam roofing, there won’t be any worries about seams and joints that let air and water in. It creates a seamless and nearly impenetrable system on any commercial building because the billions of cells in the foam create a solid barrier against vapor, water, and heat. Roofers can use this type of roofing material to build up depressed roof parts to stop ponding and facilitate drainage.

It Lasts a Long Time

While spray foam has been around since the 70s, it seems to last for decades. However, proper application is essential, which makes it important to choose reliable Commercial Roofers in Honolulu when installing this type of roofing.

It’s Very Durable

Although polyurethane foam is lightweight, it’s also very strong. It’s highly resistant to damage from foot traffic and accidents, and damaged areas are highly visible and easy to repair. The foam’s high adhesiveness serves it well, and these roofs are highly resistant to high winds. Foam roofing is flexible enough to stand up to repeated cycles of contraction and expansion.

It Provides Energy Savings

Energy efficiency is a concern for many business owners in the Honolulu area. Where roofing is concerned, the seamlessness of foam gives it excellent insulation properties and minimizes energy loss. With reduced thermal drift, heating and cooling costs are greatly reduced. These roofs don’t lose much of their insulating ability with time, which makes them a great choice for budget-conscious business owners. Visit us at for more details on commercial roofing options.

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