Tips For Scheduling Appointments With Local Medical Marijuana Doctors

by | Apr 22, 2022 | Medical Center

Patients in and around Gainesville, FL, can choose to meet with a medical marijuana doctor in any part of the state. There is no requirement to use a local MMJ doctor, but practical reasons make this a very wise decision.

All medical marijuana doctors in Florida must complete specific, state-approved training and pass an exam before they can make recommendations for medical marijuana. Doctors without this training, including primary care physicians and even specialists, cannot make a recommendation for medical marijuana.

In-Person Appointments

Some states have moved to telemedicine appointments for patients, while others have allowed telemedicine and in-person visits. In Gainesville, FL, and across the state, all patients must attend in-person appointments with medical marijuana doctors.

This in-person requirement includes first appointments to obtain the medical marijuana recommendation and all subsequent follow-up appointments. Patients scheduling with local medical marijuana doctors will find it easier to continue to see the same MMJ doctor, adding to their trust and comfort in discussing issues with a trusted, known doctor.

Consider the Best Time

Many patients with medical and psychological conditions find that morning or afternoon appointments are better suited to their energy levels. Look for MMJ doctors in the city that have available appointment times that work with your schedule. This is also important for those patients who may require assistance in getting to the appointment.

Compare MMJ doctors and their scheduling to find the best provider for your appointment. Be sure to complete all required intake forms according to the information provided at the time of scheduling.

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