Various types of abdominal surgery are performed by surgeons in their professions. A common type of abdominal surgery is a fascial closure. It involves the fascia, which is the fibrous connective tissue throughout the whole body. Learn exactly what this type of surgery is and how it is performed below.
What It Is
A fascial closure is a type of abdominal surgery that closes the abdomen’s inner layers. This type of surgery is performed after an incision is made into the abdomen. Performing a fascial closure is necessary in order to prevent a hernia from occurring.
Two Types
There are two main types of fascial closure:
The layered closure involves closing each fascial layer by itself one at a time. The advantage of this method is that each layer is supported by its own suture strand. IF one strand would break, the other closures will hold because they are each supported by their own suture strands.
The mass closure involves a continuous closure of the fascia via one single suture. The advantage of this technique is that the tissue is not strangled by individual sutures because there is an equal distribution of tension across the entire suture. Surgery is usually not as extensive either as compared to the layered closure because only one single suture is used in this procedure.
How It Is Done
Fascial closures involve nonabsorbable sutures. The surgeon will use two clamps to pull apart the fascial layer, then pass polydioxanone (PDS), a type of looped synthetic material, through the tip of the fascia. The surgeon will then pass the needle through that loop in order to tie if off, then stitch the incision itself with enough tension so it will hold without putting undue stress on the tissues.
The surgeon will repeat this procedure to stitch the other end of the incision. When the two ends are just one centimeter apart, the surgeon will secure the sutures by tying between six to ten knots.
Sharp Fluidics’ NeoClose anchor technology lessens patient pain by providing secure fascial closure without nerve entrapment. Learn more about this and our other product offerings by scheduling a consultation.