Gray Pavement? Hire An Asphalt Paving Company in Columbus for Seal Coating

by | Nov 8, 2013 | Paving

Once a business owner has invested in asphalt paving in Columbus for an attractive, safe and convenient parking lot, they need to ensure that it is maintained properly. Seal coating is a necessary step to preserve the asphalt. It prevents the pavement from oxidizing. If a property owner has not invested in seal coating, they many notice that over time it will develop a white or gray layer. This is a signal that can’t be ignored. It means that the pavement is oxidizing or rusting. If it continues, the pavement will break apart and need to be replaced. However, if seal coating is applied in time, this can be reversed.

Seal coating also helps businesses that are located on colder climates where ice and snow can be a problem. It keeps the pavement a rich black, which in turn means that it absorbs sunlight and stays warmer. It’s not necessary to use as much salt and other deicing materials which are expensive and can cause the pavement to deteriorate. A rich dark parking lot with bright stripes also improves the curb appeal of every business. It impresses potential customers as they drive by.

Depending upon the site, two or three coats are necessary to properly seal asphalt. It’s important that the asphalt paving in Columbus Company apply the seal coating in the proper manner. Some companies take the quick way and just spray it on the pavement. This will not result in the best application, because it will miss tiny crevices. Hills Blacktop, Inc. uses a self-propelled squeegee machine to apply the first coat. That ensures that the seal coating material permeates every small crevice. The second or third coat can then be sprayed on.

It’s also necessary that the property owner watch for any cracks in the pavement. At the first sign, they should contact a paving company to come fill the crack with a rubberized patching material. This will prevent water from seeping into the lower layers of the pavement and causing frost heaves when the cold weather arrives. The patching material found at hardware stores doesn’t work will in areas where the temperature falls below freezing. It doesn’t have the flexibility to respond to changes in the pavement caused by the cold.

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