What are the Services Provided by Hospice Cleveland Texas?

by | Nov 14, 2013 | Home Care

A terminal illness is frightening and debilitating. Professional Health Care provided by Hospice Cleveland Texas allows you or your loved one to remain at home. The health care providers are skilled and experienced with the resources required for someone to remain at home, yet live a comfortable and pain-free life for as long as possible. Hospice care providers provider the patient as well as friends and family members with emotional support, medical treatment and other services for those who are in their last stages of a serious illness.Some of the services provided by Hospice Cleveland Texas includes routine visits by nurses and aides.

The hospice nurse can be scheduled to come at any time, sometimes several times each day or perhaps remaining with the patient for a full shift. Nurses can make arrangements for the patient to receive the medical equipment necessary for comfort, such as oxygen, medications and/or a hospital bed as well as other equipment that aids in comfort. On the initial visit, the primary hospice nurse will typically leave emergency medications and oxygen in the home for the patient in case there is an emergency. There are are wide range of hospice services Cleveland available to make this time as comfortable as possible, including therapies such as massage therapy, art therapy and music therapy.Most people qualify for hospice care for about six months of their final days, unfortunately many people do not request hospice care until much later.

When hospice care is requested it can help improve the individuals quality of life, help reduce stress in family members and caregivers and reduce the “burn out” many caregivers experience when caring for their loved one alone. When hospice is involved, it allows the family to spend more special moments and quality time with their loved one.It is important to note that accepting hospice care does not require you to give up current treatments or medications that are beneficial for you. The primary goal of hospice care is to focus on the patients quality of life and there are medications provided by hospice that can promote quality of life. If at any point, there are treatments available to prolong your life, you have the option of signing off of hospice care, but you can return at a later date if the service is needed.

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