Scissor lifts are useful for many different jobs, both commercial and residential. They are powerful pieces of equipment that can be dangerous if not operated in a safe manner. The following list contains a few safety tips to ensure you have a safe experience while operating a scissor lift in Vancouver.
Don’t Overload the Lift
There’s a limit to how much you can load onto a scissor lift. You’ll want to review the machine’s capacity before you begin working. To be safe, give yourself a wide margin between the scissor lift’s maximum payload and the amount of weight you load onto it.
Operate on Stable Ground
When on unstable ground, scissor lifts become dangerous pieces of equipment, especially with the lift extended. The higher center of gravity makes them easily tippable if not level. Additionally, rocks, potholes and soft ground may also cause scissor lifts to tip.
Operate in Cleared Spaces
You’ll want to prepare the path and the work area for your scissor lift in Vancouver before using it. Make sure that there are no obstructions to block its way to the worksite and take care to clear the work area of potential obstacles. Additionally, verify that there are no overhead obstructions, such as cables and wires.
Focus on Human Safety
Scissor lift accidents are avoidable yet occur every year. To avoid them, make sure that you and others with you understand the basic operation of your scissor lift. When operating one, use safety equipment, such as gloves, close-toed shoes, and other standard construction safety wear. Also, always be aware of the location of anyone working with you and make sure they are clear of the scissor lift while it’s in operation.
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