Suffering from arthritis is never any fun, but having Arthritis in Hawaii just has to be even less fun. There is so much to do in Hawaii that you really don’t to be kept from enjoying any of it because arthritis keeps you from it. The Portner Orthopedic Rehabilitation in Oahu, Hawaii Is the place to go for help with your arthritis. They understand and work with patients with all 4 types of arthritis.
The 4 types of Arthritis:
Rheumatoid arthritis or RA affects the legs, fingers, wrists and arms which will be stiff and painfully swollen. People that suffer from this type of RA will have a lot of fatigue and most of their symptoms occur right as they are waking up.
Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis occurs in children in much the same way as it does in adults, but loss of appetite and fever, especially in the evening, is very common.
Osteoarthritis affects the hands, hips, knees and spine mostly. When a person isn’t very active, stiffness and pain occurs. If a joint is over extended, a great deal of pain and loss of flexibility is common.
Infections arthritis mostly occurs due to an injury or illness. People with this type of arthritis can experience inflamed and swollen joints and fever. Generally just one joint is affected and those can include wrist, shoulders, fingers, elbows or knees.
When you suffer any of these types of Arthritis Hawaii, you can’t go surfing and you can’t even really enjoy going to a luau because of the pain and stiffness. You can get some great physical therapy treatments that can help with the symptoms and allow you to be able to be more active.
Injection Therapy Is another treatment that those suffering Arthritis in Hawaii have available. This can be particularly effective is some of the more difficult cases.
Some people suffering with Arthritis prefer the relief they get from Acupuncture, because the pain relief is often immediate and over time can help to keep the symptoms at bay. They can live in greatly reduced pain with this kind of treatment.
If you suffer Arthritis in Hawaii, you too can look into treatments that can ease your pain and perhaps even put an end to it once and for all. You can lead a more active and enjoyable life when you suffer less. Check it out for yourself.