Benefits of Counseling for Domestic Violence in Bremerton, WA

by | Oct 13, 2022 | Sports

Abuse and violence take many forms, and all of them are traumatic. Counseling can provide many benefits when someone is a victim of domestic violence in Bremerton, WA. Survivors need all the support they can get. Here are some of the ways counseling can be beneficial.

Develop Safety Plans

Survivors need a network of support, but they also need help developing a safety plan for getting out of the relationship. Developing their plan involves protecting themselves, planning for legal action if required, and simply deciding to leave the traumatic circumstances. Counselors can also help by contacting shelters or law enforcement where applicable.

Support Network

Counseling can benefit survivors of domestic violence in Bremerton, WA, because they can relate to other survivors. A support network lets a survivor know that leaving and rebuilding is possible. They can find others who have faced similar situations. Connecting with a group or counselor that understands abuse can provide an outlet for emotions and encouragement to leave the relationship. A network can provide both moral and emotional support during the healing process.

Normalize Feelings

A survivor may feel many things, including anger, guilt, sadness, or fear, because of the state of their relationship. Sessions can help normalize feelings. Having a safe place to express feelings without fear of being judged helps the healing process.

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