There is no reason for you to suffer financial indignities in addition to the pain and suffering you are experiencing from an auto accident. You have a right to be financially compensated for your expenses and your pain and suffering. Usually this can only be accomplished by an attorney who is experienced in personal injury cases. You may have been injured in an accident not involving a vehicle, but the problems you have are the same. A personal injury should be dealt with promptly.
Hopefully you have the names of witnesses to the accident and the EMS squad who responded. The names of those who treated you in the hospital ER would be helpful. Have a family member or a friend keep notes on any medical treatment you received in the hospital. If your car was destroyed in the accident, then the personal injury lawyer near Newark will work to get you another car. If cash is a problem for your family, he will get interim funds.
The attorney may visit the scene of the accident and have an investigator take pictures of the scene for potential trial evidence. This is one of several steps taken to assemble the case for court. Statements from witnesses and the police report will also be assembled.
The personal injury lawyer near Newark will subpoena all of your medical records and review each with a consulting doctor if another opinion is needed. The attorney will be well prepared to develop a profile of your injuries and their effects on you as well as your prognosis.
When all of the medical treatment needed is identified and the prognosis has been made, it will be time to prepare a settlement proposal to present to the insurance company or to the plaintiff. There will be pre-trial hearings where the parties will meet with the judge to try and settle the case. If this doesn’t result in a settlement, then the judge may recommend mediation. Mediation is a process where both parties discuss the legal issues and try to reach an agreement. This process is not binding, so if it fails the case will be set for trial. You will be represented by aggressive and experienced counsel.
Contact Kreizer Law, if you are looking for personal injury lawyer near Newark.