Most people don’t realize there are quite a few Tulsa Car Insurance discounts available. In fact, there are a number of ways to save, if a person knows what to look for and ask about. For those who are ready to make a car insurance purchase, but want to make sure they get the best deal possible on their coverage, use the tips here and avoid some costly mistakes.
Choosing a Deductible that is too Low
If a person selects a plan with a higher deductible, their monthly premium will usually be lower. However, it is important to note that the out-of-pocket cost of getting into an accident will be higher. In most cases, the lower monthly fee is appealing since the goal is to be as safe as possible while on the road.
Not Taking Advantage of Available Discounts
When it comes time to purchase Tulsa Car Insurance, it is important to ask about discounts. Some of the most common that are provided include:
* Good driving record: Quite a few companies reward drivers who have a history of at least three years of no at-fault accidents and a clean driving record.
* Good student driver: In fact, a 20-year-old man with one car can save 14.8 percent on insurance and a woman can save 10 percent. This discount is subject to GPA requirements.
* Enrolling in a defensive driving course: This can equate to savings of 15 percent for drivers between the ages of 16 and 25 and five percent for senior drivers.
* Bundling car insurance with rental or home coverage: This may result in a 15 percent savings.
Discounts for Specific Vehicle Features
Those who drive an exceptionally safe car can also receive discounts. Some of the features insurance companies look for include:
* Emergency response systems
* Anti-theft systems
* Rearview/backup cameras
* Daytime lights
* Anti-lock brakes
* Airbags
There is no need to pay more for car insurance coverage than absolutely necessary. In addition to asking about the discounts here, it is a good idea to ask an insurance company if any other ways of saving are available. For those who would like to know more, they can look at more info here.