If you have recently purchased an automobile, you need to transfer the title and purchase an insurance policy. If you can take care of both tasks as well as a variety of your other registration and insurance needs at one place, this can be very helpful. Whether you are new to Philadelphia or you have lived in the area your entire life, you may have a range of registration and license needs.
At times, you may need the personal attention of a knowledgeable agent. Being able to stop by an agency and speak with a fast, friendly and professional representative during convenient hours six days a week is a plus, especially if your agency has been working with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for more than 30 years and is able to boast a 100 percent average quality rating over the past five years. This can help ensure that your license and registration documents are filed correctly with the PennDOT.
With such an agency, you don’t have to wait for your registration documents to arrive in the mail; you can leave with your tags and registration in your hand. Other PennDOT services are also available, including address changes, lost or damaged license plate replacement, driver’s license renewal and duplicate titles.
There are always insurance agents on hand to ensure that drivers who need insurance can purchase a policy at the same time they register their vehicle. With a range of insurance options, drivers with good and bad driving records can get insured at a reasonable price. The agents at an agency offering all these features would want more than just to sell insurance. They want to make sure each customer has the best policy for their situation and budget.
The Imperial Agency’s insurance policies are affordable. You can get started with a low down payment and monthly payments that you can afford. When time is a factor and you need to get your Vehicle Registration in Philadelphia or handle other PennDOT transactions quickly, you can do so in person at The Imperial Agency. The friendly staff are happy to help with any registration issue and can often get you your documents instantly.