How Dental Implants Can Improve Your Appearance and Oral Health

by | Apr 26, 2021 | Dental

With a gap or hole in your smile, you may feel more self-conscious about the way you look. Although you should not care what people think, you may feel like you are not projecting the best version of yourself. Thankfully, you can use dental implants to gain the smile you want to have. With a simple procedure, you can move forward without stressing about your appearance. Continue reading below to learn more benefits you can obtain.


When getting dental implants, the new tooth is implanted straight into the jawbone to mimic a tooth’s root and give the prosthetic doubled durability and support. While healing, the bone in your jaw will grow around the rod and secure it more firmly in place. Because of this extra stability, the implants can feel more like your natural teeth. Dental implants in Cary, IL, can be so comfortable that you forget they are there.


You may not realize how much you rely on your teeth to speak correctly. Yet, with a few missing, you can notice a shocking difference in your way of talking. You may struggle to pronounce words that were much easier to handle before. If you fill these spaces with dentures, you still experience a slide or shift that adds a slur or lisp to your speech. With dental implants in Cary, IL, you will have a firm surface to press your tongue against while talking. That way, you can enunciate your words and clearly express your message.

Cary Dental Associates LLC is a great place to get started with dental implants in Cary, IL. Learn more about them today.

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