How to Get the Most Out of an Axis Buck Hunt in San Antonio, TX

by | Oct 7, 2022 | Business

The axis deer has roots in India. In 1930, it made its way to the Lone Star State. If you’re going to hunt these bucks, you’ll need a plan. There are many routes that you can take, so gear up and arm yourself with knowledge.

Train to Gain Ground Before a Hunt

Axis bucks are quick on their feet. However, they will only make a speedy retreat if you take a shot and miss. Most hunters make mistakes with a bow and arrow. A successful archer is an accurate archer. If your accuracy is poor, go to a target range, and fire a few shots with your bow.

Key Considerations

A rifle is a more effective weapon, but it has pros and cons. With a rifle, you’ll hit your targets more often because it has a great accuracy. However, it will make a loud if you fire it without a silencer. You can hunt without it, but the noise from the gun will startle other bucks in the surrounding area.

Learn Their Habits

Axle bucks are easier to hunt at dusk and dawn. At these times, you should always target the flatlands.

Grasp the Grub

The presence of grub attracts axle bucks. You can use this to your advantage during a hunt. They like to eat lush, green grass and dry corn.

The Ultimate Axis Buck Hunt

The ultimate hunt is all about the experience, and the best experiences take place on a ranch. If you’d like to start an axis buck hunt in San Antonio, TX on a ranch, take aim and contact the Business url at Business url.

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