Being pregnant is one of the most amazing things that will ever happen to a woman. Having an pregnancy ultrasound in Fort Collins is something that has to be your choice however. Ultrasounds are used for many different things during pregnancy, the best one being to find out the gender of your child. If you don’t want to know the gender, the choice is yours, but many parents like to know so they can prepare the nursery for either gender. You do need to know that sometimes, though rarely, the ultrasound can be wrong. Some couples end up with a bouncing baby boy, when they were expecting a sweet little girl. Below you will find some tips on how to prepare for your ultrasound.
Make sure that you wear a pair of stretchy pants; because you will be asked to pull them down below your belly. The doctor will then take pictures of the baby. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, feel free to ask the nurse for a gown, instead.
In order for your baby’s gender to be determined, you will need to drink plenty of water. Your bladder needs to be completely full, so try to drink at least 24 ounces of water in the hour right before your appointment. Holding your bladder can be very uncomfortable for a pregnant woman, but it is well-worth it in the long run.
You will want to write out instructions for learning the gender of your bundle of joy. If your partner doesn’t want to know, make sure that you tell the doctor ahead of time. If you want to try and see for yourself, before the doctor tells you, he will need to know that as well. However, you decide to learn the gender, you will be thrilled with the answer.
Prepare yourself for a little disappointment, just in case you have your heart set on a boy, and it is a girl. These feelings are normal, but know that you will get over them very quickly. You will love your baby, boy, or girl, and the ultrasound brings you one step closer to holding the baby you love already. Call Tender Gifts Midwifery & Birth Center for any other questions.