How to talk to your spouse or loved one about your final wishes

by | Apr 18, 2023 | Cremation Service

Talking about end-of-life wishes with your spouse or loved one is difficult and uncomfortable.

And yet, it’s a discussion that needs to take place to ensure your final wishes are honored. After all, you don’t want your spouse or loved one guessing or feeling burdened with making decisions during their time of grief.

Here are some tips for how you can start that emotional conversation:

Set aside a time to talk

Schedule a specific time for this conversation rather than springing it on someone unexpectedly. Choose a time when both of you are relaxed and able to focus.

Conversation starters

Start by asking open-ended questions like, “Have you thought about what you would like to happen after you pass away?” or, “What are some things that are important to you regarding your final wishes?” Questions like this can ease into the discussion.

Be honest and direct

Clearly express what you want to happen and why it’s important. It’s better to be direct (but still respectful) so that you leave nothing to doubt afterwards.

Be respectful

You still have to remember your loved one’s thoughts and feelings during end-of-life discussions, as this is a difficult conversation to hold and hear. Listen to their concerns and opinions – even if they differ from your own.

Include others in the conversation

You should discuss your wishes with other family members and/or close friends to ensure everyone knows your final wishes. Those conversations should probably take place separately out of respect for your spouse.

Document it

After you’ve put your final wishes in writing – which may include choosing a cemetery in Lafayette or the surrounding area – make sure others know where to easily access this information. These wishes are often documented in a will, healthcare directive, or a power of attorney and should be kept somewhere safe. Is there a password involved? Talk to anyone who needs to know this information.

Revisit the conversation

Even if the initial conversation didn’t go as smoothly as planned, you still need to review your directives occasionally – especially if you’ve had any significant changes.

Discussing end-of-life wishes is undoubtedly one of the most difficult conversations you will ever have. But you still have to consider your friends, family, and loved ones’ feelings – they’re the ones who will manage all this when you’re gone, so make this process as painless for them as possible. Contact Queen of Heaven Cemetery & Funeral Center to know more.

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