Little Known Facts About Crowns

by | Feb 5, 2014 | Dentist

A dental crown is a device that compensates for the possible defects of a tooth. Since a damaged tooth has oral hygiene implications, it is imperative to have the issues repaired. Crowns are now a popular way to rebuild a person’s dental health. This is understandable, mainly because of the aesthetic side of a crown and its durability. Once a crown is placed, there is usually no need to spend a lot on dental upkeep.

The concept of a dental crown

A crown is necessary in case of a fractured or decayed tooth. This is a prosthesis that is placed on a dying tooth to protect it, to reconstruct its shape, size, and especially its strength. It is made of a highly aesthetic quality material, usually porcelain. However, other materials may also be used for manufacturing a crown. These prostheses come in different sizes and colors. This is so the crown is in uniformity with the other teeth.

The reasons for installing a dental crown

Laying a dental crown is justified for several reasons. In the context of restoration, meaning worn or broken teeth, it is useful to ask for a crown. Installation can also be justified in cases of a tooth that is seriously discolored or misshapen. It may also serve to support a dental implant. Once the crown is set, the appearance of the tooth is completely restored.

The maintenance of the dental crown

Although Crowns cannot be attacked by cavities, it is still important to keep dental hygiene habits near perfect. This means brushing and flossing regularly. In addition to personal hygiene, regular visits to the dentist should be made. He or she will check the condition of the crown and its adaptation, including the state of the gum and tooth.

The lifetime of a crown

The lifespan of a crown depends on several factors. On one hand, you have to maintain the crown through personal hygiene. On the other hand, the duration of the crown contributes favorably to the material it is made out of. Eating and drinking habits can affect the life of a dental crown, as well. When a crown is well maintained, its life can be extended from five to twenty years.




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