Medical Services You May Get From a Walk in Clinic in Middletown NY

by | Oct 24, 2014 | Health

According to the Global Health Observatory (GHO) by the World Health Organization, it is estimated that the global life expectancy is 72 years. This is an improvement compared to previous global health statistics recorded few decades ago. This also shows that most governments have become more aware of the need to prioritize health projects which involve research on diseases and construction of health facilities among others. Individuals have also embraced this trend and established private Walk In Clinic in Middletown NY to provide medical solutions for most common health emergencies.

While these clinics may not offer comprehensive medical care provided by your local government hospital, they can help prevent a simple health problem from aggravating to a serious one or even death. Some of the common medical services you may get from a walk in clinic include:

Treatment of minor injuries

Many people experience minor injuries regularly such as nose bleeding, fractured bones and lacerations among others. It can be very painful and unbearable if you have fractured one of your bones and fail to get immediate medical care. You may not be near a hospital that is fully equipped to provide comprehensive medical care and in that case, a walk in clinic may come in handy to your rescue. Most clinics have qualified and competent medical practitioners who use basic equipment to treat minor injuries of all kinds.

First Aid services

One of the basic services that any medical practitioner should be able to offer is first aid. This procedure helps to reduce the impact of an injury or ailment before your doctor or an ambulance arrives. It is recommended that any patient who has a severe health problem visits a clinic first for first aid especially if a hospital is far away from your location. This helps to mitigate the problem and can even prevent death that may occur before the patient arrives at the hospital.

Referral services

There are times when your local walk in clinic may not be able to provide treatment to your emergency. In such a case, the health workers may refer you to a hospital or another clinic that may offer the needed treatment.

These are some of the services you may get from a Walk In Clinic in Middletown NY. For any urgent medical attention, visit Orange Urgent Care of Middletown NY. You can also contact them by visiting their website:

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