Stem cell treatment in Powdersville, SC, is referred to as regenerative medicine. Often, patients will use the terms interchangeably. However, stem cell treatment is only one part of regenerative medicine. Regenerative medicine is the study and the application of new treatments using tissue engineering and biomaterials to heal organs and tissues. The goal is to restore tissues or organs to their full functions.
Chemotherapy is a common treatment for those diagnosed with cancer. Cancerous cells reproduce at an alarmingly high rate and can also metastasize. For many types of cancer, metastasis is called stage IV cancer. Chemotherapy is a powerful drug treatment. High doses of chemicals are administered to the patient to kill off the cancerous cells. Because these chemicals are often not cell-specific, they will kill off healthy cells. Chemotherapy works to rid of cancer but often leads to severely damaged tissues and organs.
Stem Cell Therapy
After chemotherapy, many patients are now seeking stem cell treatment in Powdersville SC. Stem cell therapy is a relatively new medicine but an effective one. Stem cells are extracted from the body and injected into the afflicted areas. Stem cells restore blood-forming cells. Blood-forming cells will develop and grow into different types of blood cells, restoring the organ or tissue function.
With most types of cancer, stem cell treatment will not combat cancer directly. Stem cell treatment only helps your body to recover from the damage caused by chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Before you seek stem cell treatment in Powdersville, SC, you should talk with your primary care physician and/or oncologist.