Roofing Materials for the Pacific Northwest: The Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Roofing in Seattle

by | Apr 1, 2014 | Roofing

If you own a home in Seattle, it can be difficult to find a roofing material that performs well in the Pacific Northwest’s weather conditions. Frequent, heavy rains and an ever-changing wet/dry cycle mean that you need to choose building materials that are designed to withstand these unique weather patterns. Below are some helpful do’s and don’ts when you’re deciding on new Roofing Seattle. To know more, contact Northwestern Roof Service Inc.

Don’t Use Concrete

Although concrete is a durable and long-lasting roofing choice for much of the country, it doesn’t perform well in Seattle. According to, concrete tends to soak up a lot of moisture, making it a poor choice for the rain-sodden Pacific Northwest. In this climate, it’s often difficult to maintain and will have a shorter lifespan than it would in dryer parts of the country.

Do Consider Metal

Metal roofing has come a long way in terms of looks and versatility, and its durability and longevity make it a great choice for homes in the Seattle area. As long as it’s sloped properly, it stands up well to heavy rains, and it’s also extremely resistant to fire, hail and fading from the sun. Quality metal roofing can cost a bit more than budget-conscious alternatives, but its long lifespan and the excellent warranties available on most products make it a great long-term investment.

Don’t Buy Just Any Wood Shake

Wood shake roofing is extremely popular in the Pacific Northwest because it’s locally produced and environmentally-friendly. However, it’s important to purchase the right kind of wood shake Roofing Seattle, especially if you’re concerned about water pollution or other environmental issues. According to, you should choose wood shake that is made of a naturally rot-resistant species like cedar and that is FSC-certified. Installing wood shake with stainless steel nails will also help with maintenance issues.

Do Opt for Professional Installation

No matter what roofing material you choose, having your new roof installed by a professional is always a smart move. Seattle gets about 3 feet of rainfall each year, and properly-installed underlayment, flashing and outer roofing material is essential if you want to avoid severe water damage in your home.

Choosing the right roofing material and having it professionally installed will go a long way toward keeping your home safe and secure in Seattle. Northwest Roof Service Inc. has been providing professional and affordable service in the Seattle area for over 25 years. You can Visit website here.

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