A vehicle accident can result in severe body damage, but minor mechanical damage to a car or truck. Inside of writing off the vehicle, many auto body companies can repair the vehicle and get it back on the road within a week or two. Many auto body repair companies will also repair dents of all sizes, including those caused by storm or hail damage, in order to restore the look of any car or truck. After the body has been restored to like new condition, the shop will then paint the vehicle as part of the restoration process.
Auto body companies offer a variety of services to customers who bring in their vehicles to be repaired. If the damaged vehicle is the only means of transportation for a customer, many companies will offer a replacement vehicle for free while their vehicle is being repaired. If borrowing a vehicle isn’t necessary, the auto body shop will help the customer to get on their way by offering them a ride to their home or their job. This type of courtesy service can make a company stand out over their competitors.
To get a damaged vehicle to a car body repair in Stephens City VA, most auto repair businesses will offer to tow the car or truck to their shop at no charge. This is a convenience that can save a customer $75 to $100 at a time they could be facing a large repair bill. Since most body shops accept insurance, a customer who has been involved in an accident will only have to pay the deductible for the body repair. However, depending on their policy, their deductible could be $500 or more.
Many insurance companies will have relationships with businesses that do car body repair in Stephens City VA and other cities around the country. This helps their customers get better prices on repairs, but does not lessen their deductible. To find an auto body repair shop before calling every auto body shop in the area, customers should contact their insurance companies for referrals to automotive body shops after being involved in an accident.