Should You Hire a Traffic Attorney in Rockland County, NY. for a Speeding Ticket?

by | May 27, 2020 | Attorney

Drivers commit traffic offenses every day. Many never get caught when doing so, but others seem to get pulled for an offense again and again. When a person gets a traffic ticket, should a traffic attorney in Rockland County, NY. be hired? There’s no right answer to this question, as every case is different. For this reason, any person who has been charged with an offense of this type should take the time to contact an attorney. Doing so allows the accused to learn how the attorney may be of assistance, what penalties may be imposed, and the cost for hiring an attorney to fight the charge. With this information, the driver can then decide if an attorney is needed.

How The Attorney May Be Of Help

Attorneys know how to defend a person in court against this type of charge. For example, the attorney may go to court and state the defendant will attend driving school in exchange for the charges being dismissed. In addition, the attorney might be able to attend on behalf of the defendant, allowing him or her to go about their regular day. For some drivers, the cost of hiring the attorney is offset by this benefit.

Knowledge of the Court

What many people fail to consider when appearing before a judge is that he or she has great leeway when it comes to deciding court cases and the associated sentences. For example, some judges never accept a plea of defective equipment, yet others allow this defense every day. Others will only agree to drop charges if the person has never had a moving violation before. The defendant may not have this knowledge, but an attorney who appears regularly in the court in similar cases will.

Schedule an appointment for consultation with a traffic attorney in Rockland County, NY. Even if the final decision is to not hire an attorney, the information gathered during this meeting will give the person charged with a traffic offense a better idea of what to expect as the case proceeds. Often, this knowledge is enough to have the defendant feeling better about his or her case, and no price tag can be put on this.

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