Signs That Indicate You Need to Take Your Cat to the Animal Hospital

by | Jul 29, 2019 | Animal hospital

Regular trips to the vet are one of the keys to keeping your cat healthy. Most people are well aware of the fact that their cat needs regular checkups. However, they may not know when it is time to take the cat to an animal hospital in Chicago. There are several signs that indicate your cat is sick.

Your Cat Is Acting Differently

Cats are great at hiding their pain. This is a survival instinct. That is why if your cat is acting differently, then it is time to take them to the vet. Your cat may be lethargic and not want to play with you. They may also neglect their grooming.

Breathing Problems

A cat that is having breathing problems will need to be checked out as soon as possible. If the cat is breathing rapidly, then this is a sign of a respiratory issue. Panting and open-mouth breathing are also signs of a respiratory problem.

Appetite Changes

Most cats will not eat when they are not feeling well. However, there are some conditions that will increase a cat’s appetite. Cats may also be more thirsty than usual.

Lack of Urine

Cats will generally use the litter box two to four times per day. However, if they are sick, then they may go less frequently. You should take your cat to the vet if they have not been urinating as often as usual. You should also take them to the vet if they are going to the litter box more than usual.


It is normal for cats to vomit. They usually vomit when they eat something that their stomach does not agree with. However, if your cat has been vomiting for more than one day, then they should be checked by a vet.

If you are looking for an animal hospital in Chicago, then you can contact Portage Park Animal Hospital & Dental Clinic.

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