There’s no doubt that dental implants provide an excellent option for replacing missing teeth. Some people are apprehensive of this procedure as it involves bonding a titanium root to the jawbone surgically. However, the high success rates and the fantastic results are enough to convince even the most apprehensive patients to join the bandwagon. Although most of the patient’s fears go away as soon as they get the implants, some patients may be bothered with the appearance of blood post-operation.
Is Dental Implants Bleeding Normal?
Getting dental implants involves minor surgical incisions to the gums and oral tissues to fix the titanium root to the jawbone. Considering the procedure involves making incisions on the gum tissue, you should expect minimal blood loss until all the incisions are closed. Sometimes, bleeding may occur post-operation. Don’t be alarmed to see blood after operation for up to 48 hours. However, if bleeding persists after 48 hours, you should treat it as a dental emergency. In case of dental emergencies, you can always trust emergency dental care in Charleston, SC, to handle your dental emergencies.
What Can You Do to Control Implant Bleeding?
If your dental implants bleed, you can reduce blood loss by placing clean cotton roll on the affected tooth. While doing this, you should ensure to use minimal pressure and avoid moving the implant until you get to emergency dental care in Charleston, SC. Also, avoid rinsing your mouth for the first few hours as the water pressure can push the implant and trigger bleeding.
If you are looking for an experienced dentist to handle your dental emergency, we here at Solomon Dentistry will be happy to serve you. Visit our website to schedule an appointment today.