Steps to Take Before Calling for Heating Repair in Tacoma WA

by | May 25, 2017 | Heating

If the home’s boiler or furnace is off and there’s no heat at all, the owner can check for a few things before they call for Heating Repair in Tacoma Wa. With some basic knowledge of the home or building, these simple checks may be able to help the owner get the unit started again; if not, they can help prepare the repair tech for what’s ahead.

Check the Breaker

Every boiler or furnace has an electrical connection from the building’s main circuit breaker. Most are 20-amp breakers that control power to the unit; make sure it’s on before calling a heating contractor for help.

Check the Fuses

Some breaker boxes have fuses that blow or burn up when there’s a problem. Before calling a professional, check the fuse box to see if the fuse for the furnace has blown.

Look at the Disconnect Switch

Depending on the unit, there may be an emergency disconnect switch located somewhere on the body. Make sure the switch hasn’t been turned off by mistake before requesting service.

Look for Blinking Lights

If the building’s boiler or furnace is relatively new, the owner may be able to see small red or green blinking lights somewhere on the front of the unit. These indicator lights are intended to notify the user of a problem, and they blink in a predetermined manner to tell the repair tech what’s causing the issue.

When All Else Fails, Call a Professional

The suggestions listed above are basic instructions that apply to most boilers and furnaces. Even if one of these issues is to blame for a furnace failure, consider calling for Heating Repair in Tacoma Wa. A repair technician can find out why the problem occurred in the first place, and he or she can take steps to ensure that it does not happen again.

Heating emergencies can be inconvenient, uncomfortable and downright dangerous in some cases. If there’s an urgent heating repair need, call the experts at one of Tacoma’s best heating and cooling repair providers. With expert advice and prompt repairs, furnace and boiler issues can become a thing of the past.

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