Though screws can largely seem to be the same there are some major characteristics that set one apart from another. Threads are perhaps the most important part of any screw you choose as each serves a specific purpose.
Taptite thread-rolling screws feature rolled threads with better physical characteristics. What is a thread-rolling screw? Read on to find out more about what it has to offer.
Shear Strength
When working with high-quality Taptite thread-rolling screws, the fibers of the material re-form in unbroken lines, resulting in better contours of the thread. Where many other screw types would lead to thread stripping, that is not a problem here.
These rolled thread screws are great for holding up against stripping and shear failures. Shear failures would have to happen across the grain rather than with it, creating a much better shear strength than other screw types.
Improved Accuracy
With more accurate threads, there is greater control over lead, taper, roundness, thread angle, and pitch diameter. The greater accuracy results in much better control than other screw types, allowing better tensile strength as well.
It can be confusing knowing which screw type you need to choose. These factors are things that may not be considered but definitely should be. Thread-rolling screws offer a litany of benefits that other screw types simply do not and provide improved tensile and shear strength when compared to the average wood and machine screws.