The Many Benefits of Replacing a Damaged Tooth with a Dental Implant

by | Aug 30, 2018 | Dentist

Do you have a decayed or damaged tooth that has made you feel self-conscious about your smile? Perhaps, you have suffered tooth loss due to a health problem or an injury. If so, a solution is available when you select to have a dental implant in Saskatoon rooted in your mouth. An artificial tooth that is screwed onto a titanium post that looks and functions like a natural tooth. A dental implant allows you to replace the missing or damaged tooth with a false one that is virtually impossible to tell the difference between your natural teeth.

Importance of Replacing Missing or Damaged Teeth

  • Minimizes the risk of bone loss that can alter the shape of your facial features.
  • Provides support for the adjacent teeth to prevent them from shifting.
  • Improves the appearance of your smile and helps boost your self-confidence.
  • A dental implant in Saskatoon enhances your overall oral health for a healthy mouth.
  • Implants do not slip like dentures do and last longer than other cosmetic techniques.
  • Improves your ability to chew food and speak clearly.
  • They are easy to maintain as you care for them like you would your natural teeth.

Correct Your Dental Issues Today by Consulting a Specialist

At Preston Dental Centre, their primary focus is to deliver the comprehensive dental care services each patient requires to maintain a healthy mouth. If you have suffered tooth loss or want to correct the appearance of a damaged tooth, they can assist you in finding the answer that you deserve. You do not have to let a gap between teeth from a missing tooth or a cracked one affect the appearance of your smile with their cosmetic dental services. Start today by contacting their office to schedule a consultation to learn how their dental team can assist you.

Visit Preston Dental Centre to know more about dental implant in Saskatoon.

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