If you think that there are no benefits to whale watching other than the simplicity of actually observing them, then you might want to think again. In fact, you might be surprised just how many important things can be gained by whale watching in Monterey Bay.
Keeps The Environment Clean
While the whale and their swimming does not in and of itself keep the local environment clean, the fact that it is a form of ecotourism certainly does. People come from all over the world to engage in whale watching, so it is in the local community’s best interest to ensure the safety and cleanliness of not only the water but the land as well.
Teachable Moments
When people watch whales, especially children, they take great notice of how important it is to care for their environment. They take this knowledge home with them and do the same thing in their community. This spreads the chance of a healthy ecosystem and makes the world a healthier and happier place.
Allows Them To Thrive
Since more attention is focused on them through the popularity of whale watching in Monterey Bay, the creatures have a much greater chance of thriving in their natural environment. Their populations will grow and they will be in danger of becoming extinct.
If you are interested in learning more about how public whale watching can be so important to not only you but to your community as well, please contact Sea Goddess Whale Watching at https://seagoddesswhalewatch.com