Making the decision to move off-campus is a step that you can take toward postgraduate life. It will give you independence and freedom and allow you to balance that with responsibility and risk. Here are a few tips to help you as you make your decision about moving off-campus.
You may decide that it is beneficial to find LSU student apartments and share your living space with a roommate or two. Be sure that you find someone who is responsible. Just because you consider one person to be your best friend does not mean they will make a good roommate. It is better to find someone who shares similar values, has the same level of cleanliness that you have, and shares your same thoughts on how much time should be spent studying, how often you should have visitors, and what noise levels in the apartment are acceptable.
After deciding on who you would like to have as a roommate, you may want to write up a tenant agreement. This allows you and your roommates to draw up a document that will lay out what percentage of the bills each roommate will pay. You can also include things like sharing household chores, agreed-upon house rules, and lease contract responsibilities. It may be best to have one person regularly pay the bills on the LSU student apartments each month. This can be outlined in the tenant agreement.
Learn about the student housing available at Lark Baton Rouge and how it is the perfect space to call home by visiting their website at