Any mah jongg player would say that mah jongg is a game of sheer luck and chance. An experienced mah jongg player would know better, stating that strategy can go a long way in terms of your success. If you know What was passed in the Charleston, your players and your tiles, you could then make calculated moves accordingly, making the best decision every time. This can give you a real advantage over the game, and the players. This is just the basics of mastering mah jongg, so if you want to go all the way you need to make sure that you are fully prepared for the dedication which lies ahead. There are many types of Mah Jongg games available, from Cantonese to Chinese, Vietnamese and Wright Patterson, so it helps to know which style you’re focusing on before you create your strategy.
Discarding Your Own Tiles
If you want to have a tactical advantage over your opponents, you need to make sure that you discard your own tiles so your opponent can never grasp what exact tiles you have. The best way to work this strategy would be to look at your starting tiles and decide which strategy you’re going to play based on these tiles. Working out a strategy for future tiles is all very well, but if you don’t secure those tiles then your strategy would be useless. You also need to make sure that your strategy is flexible. This includes making sure that you change up your hand every now and again even if you don’t need to; to confuse your opponent into thinking you have a second game plan.
Purchasing Game Play Books
One way to become a master at mah jongg games is to read up on the various books available. These books will provide you with everything you need to know. From devising your own strategy to learning the rules, tiles and the variations of the game, you will always be one step ahead. A good mah jongg player will always read over the rules before the game begins. This is to refresh your memory in terms of acceptable hands and the top plays to get the most points. Whatever variation you choose, it has never been easier to learn mah jongg due to the widespread availability of starter kits and books. Some books focus on the beginner aspects of playing the game, whereas others focus more on the in-depth workings of various strategies, so make sure you’re purchasing a book which is right for your needs when browsing your online store.
Mah Jongg Maven is a top distributor of mah jongg puzzle games and learning books.