Tips on Filing for Disability and How to Get Help in Stockton

by | Feb 22, 2022 | Lawyers

When it comes to applying for and receiving disability payments, it can be a confusing process. A Social Security Disability benefits lawyer in Stockton helps people cut through the red tape. There is a dizzying array of paperwork and timelines to meet.


At first, it may seem like you only need basic information, but as you move through the forms, you will find they can become more and more complicated. The basic details include name and birth date. The system will cross-reference these with your Social Security number. There is a different process if a child is applying, and children are eligible for this benefit.


You will be asked to supply lengthy medical documents and statements. The department will want to see all of the dates you went to the doctor, a list of your prescription drugs, and the names of any tests you have had. When it comes to the physicians, you will want to note any emergency treatment you sought as well as the care you received from therapists. Concerning your medications, the case manager will want to know who prescribed them and how you take them. It is a very detailed application, and if you miss one step, it could lead to a rejection or delay in payment.


The government will need to know about your work history. They need this data to determine if you have worked enough to be eligible. You may need to document employment from 15 years ago. To get assistance from a social security disability benefits lawyer in Stockton, contact Pena & Bromberg today.

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