Dating can be a challenge for anyone and at any age or stage in adult life. Unfortunately, bad first dating experiences can create a natural fear or anxiety around a first meeting. This only adds to the potential for a problem.
There are several mistakes that people in Minneapolis or across the country make on first dates. These mistakes may be made by divorced people entering the dating scene, seniors or even singles in their twenties and thirties. Since a first impression is impossible to repeat, getting a first date right is important.
Meeting at an Unknown Location
If you have always wanted to try a specific restaurant or head over to a sports bar for a great lunch and to watch a game, chose a place you know or have a good idea about the place. A first date is not a time to just randomly choose a location.
Not only can this backfire if the food or the atmosphere is terrible, but your date will assume that you didn’t care enough to find out about the location before the date.
Talking About You
It is very normal to have a lot of questions and answers on the first date about each other. Balancing the conversation to avoid long answers about your achievements and job and not asking any questions of the other person is going to send a very clear message.
First dates can be an issue if you don’t know anything about the other person. Try to have some pre-selected questions that are general enough to get a conversation started. Avoid questions that seem too personal or that focus in on sensitive topics such as politics, at least for a first date.
Focusing on the Past
If you have been in a long term relationship or have been married and divorced, don’t dwell on these relationships. It is perfectly fine to mention them in passing, but too many singles spend a lot of time talking about the ex. This gives the current date the feeling they are being compared, which is never a pleasant experience.
Not Being Yourself
Finally, singles need to be themselves. Choose a location to meet singles in Minneapolis that is natural and comfortable for you and your date. Don’t try to do something or be someone you aren’t, this is easy to spot and comes across as being false or phony.
First dates should be casual, fun and stress-free. This isn’t always easy to do on your own, but if you work through a matchmaking service the first date will be arranged for you. This takes all the pressure off, allowing you to enjoy the meeting and not worry about all the details and arrangements.