What’s Included with Professional Lawncare in Louisville, KY?

by | Jun 20, 2024 | Sports

Professional lawn care services typically offer a comprehensive approach to maintaining a healthy, beautiful lawn. This may involve a combination of services, from mowing to seeding and grub control.

Here’s a closer look at the services that are often available with professional lawncare in Louisville, KY.

Mowing and Trimming

A professional lawn service is likely to offer mowing and trimming to help maintain your lawn. Regular mowing is needed to keep the blades of grass healthy.

Professionals typically use commercial-grade mowers for an even cut and clean appearance. They help ensure that your grass is kept at the optimal height.

Aeration and Overseeding

Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes. This allows air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grassroots. It helps reduce soil compaction and promotes healthier roots.

Overseeding is often done after aeration. It involves spreading grass seed over your lawn to fill in bare spots and improve the density of the existing grass.


Slice-seeding is another option when it comes to lawncare in Louisville, KY. It involves using a machine to slice into the soil and plant seeds directly. This technique ensures a better seed-to-soil contact ratio compared to spreading grass seed.

Disease Control

Professional lawn care includes disease control. Experts can identify and treat common lawn diseases, such as brown patches or dollar spots. They may also apply herbicides to combat the spread of weeds.

Grub Control

Grubs can cause damage by feeding on grassroots. Professional lawn care services may include grub control solutions to deal with this problem. A treatment is applied to the lawn to eliminate grubs before they cause significant damage.

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