Why a Substance Abuse Intervention Can Be a Great Thing in St. Paul

by | Jan 8, 2024 | Health Consultant

If you have a family member or loved one who is suffering from drug addiction but shows no signs of wanting to quit, you might think that there is nothing that you can do. However, all hope is not lost, and you can hold a St. Paul intervention program in an attempt to get them off of drugs.

Group Approach

Rather than simply walking up to the person in question and bombarding them with your concerns, a group approach generally proves to work better because it is more planned out. It also alleviates any nervousness by doing it on your own. As the old saying goes, “There’s strength in numbers.”

Shared Feelings

In a group setting, it is much easier for everyone to share their feelings in one setting, so it has a greater effect on the person who they are concerned about. They can also share stories and concerns so that everyone is on the same page.

Prearranged Treatments

Many groups choose to have a treatment facility with various options already chosen so that the addict can enter a rehab program immediately after a St.Paul intervention program is through. This is generally seen as the best way to conduct a St. Paul intervention program.

Creation Of Boundaries

Many people suffering from addiction problems need boundaries set for them or to know that there will be specific consequences that will occur if they continue with their reckless behavior.

If you need to have an intervention with a loved one, please contact Drew Horowitz & Associates, LLC.

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